Plant Spotlight: Begonias Grown Locally

Pink begonia flowers that look fluffy, soft, and beautiful.

Begonias are popular plants with over 2,000 species and hybrids.  But what are begonias, how do you take care of them, and where can you get begonias? 

What are begonias?

Begonias make up the “fifth largest genus of flowering plants.”  They have large leaves that can be full of interesting patterns and colors such as red, pink, white, lavender, gray, maroon, brown, and bronze.  They also have a wide variety of flower colors including red, pink, orange, yellow, and white.

Begonias are native to tropical regions and have terrific heat tolerance, although they don’t thrive in bright light.  They do best when temperatures are consistently between 65- and 70-degrees Fahrenheit.  They are great for flowering during the winter within the protection of your home, but they don’t do well outside in the summer’s heat.

Begonias can grow from six to twenty-four inches tall, depending upon the species.  Also, begonias can be bushy or a single stalk.

The plants are on the delicate side, so if you plant them outside, then choose a location where the begonia is protected from the wind.

The begonia’s underground parts can be toxic to dogs, cats, and horses.

Types of Begonias

Bright red begonia flowers

What type of begonia you have will impact how you care for it, so it’s important to know the main begonia categories: tuberous, cane, wax, and rhizomatous. 


These plants grow from tubers (hence the name), and they are usually grown for their flowers.  You may see tuberous begonias hanging from baskets, and their flowers tend to be round and fluffy.


Cane begonias, also called dragon wings or angel wings, have one primary stem that grows upright.  They can grow several feet tall and usually have beautiful foliage and flowers.

A cane begonia with light pink flowers and spotted leaves


Wax begonias are also referred to as fibrous-rooted begonias or semperflorens.  Their leaves look waxy and they often have showy flowers and foliage.


These plants come from rhizomes, grow into a mound-shaped bush, have a shallow root system, and are known for their eye-catching foliage.

How to Take Care of Begonias

Begonias are relatively easy to maintain.  Here’s what you need to know to take care of begonias.

A bright pink begonia bush planted outdoors

Light Needs

Begonias like shade, so they grow best indoors or in outdoor spaces that are shaded in the summer.  Consider using containers so that you can move your begonias as needed.

Soil Needs

Slightly acidic, rich, and moist soil is best for begonias.  Make sure that the plant has good drainage and use soil with a lot of peat and organic matter.

Watering Needs

Begonias need regular watering, but avoid overwatering so the plant doesn’t get root rot. Water whenever the soil’s top half inch is dry.  Usually, watering once a week accomplishes this.

Fertilizer Needs

A balanced fertilizer with equal parts potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorous will usually keep a begonia healthy and its foliage in good shape.  To encourage blooms, use a fertilizer that has more phosphorous than nitrogen after your begonia has started flowering.

Depending upon the species, some fertilizers may work better than others, such as a 5-1-1 fertilizer for tuberous begonias.

Where to Get a Begonia?

Growing begonias from cuttings or seeds can take months.  So, if you want to enjoy a begonia’s bright flowers and unique foliage, then you’re better off buying one from your local nursery.

At Timbuk Farms & Garden Center, we grow all of our begonias locally and we have a wide selection of species, colors, and foliage patterns.  Come by our garden center and let us help you choose the best begonia for you.


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